Various Sleep Deprivation Symptoms


Research shows that about 25% to 30% of Americans suffer from sleep deprivation symptoms. While sleeplessness may not sound so serious, this condition can actually start a domino effect of health risks and full blown conditions. Here are some of the symptoms that you have to be on the watch for.

The lack of sleep will reflect in your fatigue levels during day time. Missing out on much needed rest will mean that you will be ill-equipped for the day. With low levels of energy, you will be unable to do your daily routine efficiently.

Apart from the lack of energy, sleeplessness can also be manifested in the lack of brain performance. Your memory, among other things will be less efficient. Performance in things that need focus will also dwindle down. For instance, a sleepless person will most likely commit mistakes when driving thus causing fatalities. Statistically, the dangers of driving without enough sleep are as dangerous when driving under the influence.

More importantly, you should also know that sleeplessness is one of the triggers for various psychological conditions people dread. Anxiety, depression and other brain disorders can come up as the lack of sleep drives the chemicals in the brain haywire. Sooner or later, you will succumb to these internal forces which should be a lot more serious than insomnia.

Finally, the lack of sleep doesn’t do your immune system good. Sleeplessness puts your brain and other internal organs under immense stress. Cell recovery and rejuvenation which happens during sleep cannot take place. This makes your immune system very weak, thereby making you unable to fight deadly illnesses that can be fatal, like hypertension and diabetes.

Now that you know these things, you will have an idea on different sleep deprivation symptoms. Learn from this so you can determine for yourself what to do next.

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