Nowadays, there are several accredited online high schools offering a good standard of education. This system gives an opportunity to normal school dropouts to complete their high school studies. One of such programs, however a little different, is the EPGY Online High School (EPGY OHS), affiliated with the Stanford University, which strives to educate smart students.
The Students of EPGY Online High School:
Because public high schools have a large number of students and inadequate teaching funds, it becomes difficult for the teacher to concentrate on students individually. This way, a talented student may get not achieve his full potential – the reason for starting the EPGY OHS, one of the accredited online high schools of America. It provides standardized education to students all over the country.
In the start, the EPGY OHS provided education to students of class 10, 11 and 12. Later, this school, which is one of the most accredited online high schools, started catering students of class 7, 8 and 9 as well in order to prepare the Middle School children for the high school experience.
Attending EPGY OHS and a normal school simultaneously:
Students can achieve High School education certificate through accredited online highs schools such as the EPGY OHS. However, enrolling at a normal school as well as the EPGY OHS is an available option. A few students enroll at the EPGY OHS during the summer break only in a subject of their interest.
Procedure of admission at EPGY OHS:
As the EPGY OHS offers education to brainy students only, the admission procedure for every subject can be said to be competitive. The application fee is $50. Applicants must provide their school record, accomplishments and how they wish to see their future. A recommendation letter from a teacher at the previous school is also required.
Fee structure of the EPGY OHS:
A full time student of the EPGY OHS must submit $14000 while a part time student, enrolling in three or less subjects, is expected to give $8600. A single course costs $2950. Enrollment in the summer break costs $3200.
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