Recovering from a Brazilian butt lift procedure is easier compared to the butt augmentation procedure that uses implants. However, it may be the same in some aspects. Like after the procedure, you will be required to be on your stomach as lying on your back will be stressful for your back.
On the first week, you will not be allowed to sit down as much as possible. You may do so but you have to stack up a few soft pillows so you will not cause stress to your buttocks. It may be continued for the next weeks or until the surgeon deems it necessary.
Bathing is possible the day after the surgery but you must only pat the buttocks dry. You will also find it better to use the dryer in the cool setting to help you get dry faster. Cold compress are also advised to help alleviate the throbbing pain of swelling as well as reduce the skin discoloration due to bruising.
Compression garments will also be required to be worn on your butt and to the parts of the body where fats were taken from. It will help tolerate swelling and keep the shape of the butt and parts of the body where liposuction was done.
Brazilian butt lift patients may go back to work after a month. This is faster compared with butt augmentation procedure that uses implants. However, it may take longer if there are a lot of body parts that has been liposuctioned.
A patient may be required to stay in the hospital for a week especially if his or her home is too far from the facility. Although it may add up to plastic surgery costs, it will be beneficial in the end since subjecting yourself to sitting down during long drives will strain your buttocks. It may even result for complications to arise and for the procedure to fail in delivering results.
To complete the recovery and make it faster, patients should follow the specific instructions given. By doing this, you will be sure that the final results would be what your doctor have told you it would be.
Recovering from a Brazilian butt lift procedure is already easier and faster but you may still be able to expedite it and make it more comfortable for you. Just follow all the pre and post-operative care so you will only have great results in the end.