How To Make A Tuna Pasta Salad

Are you fond of a little tuna pasta salad?  It’s a rare person who won’t dive into a delicious and well-presented tuna pasta salad when it’s offered, and it’s so easy to make at home.  You’ll never find yourself buying tuna salad of any description again once you know the secret to making this healthy and fast meal in your very own kitchen.

When making a salad from a tuna salad recipe, remember that food safety dictates you should only make warm tuna salad if you are intending to eat it right away.  As lovely as they taste, warm tuna salads should not be transported to picnics and potlucks – there is too much opportunity for bacteria from the air to begin breeding in the food – definitely not desirable!

When you want to make a tuna pasta salad which won’t be eaten right away, then make a cold salad from pre-chilled ingredients, and once assembled, chill the finished salad immediately in the fridge and keep it there until just before you are ready to serve it (or transport it with you in a box with ice blocks around the dish to keep it cold).  It’s just not worth making anyone sick for tuna pasta salad, no matter how tasty it is.

So what goes into a tuna salad recipe?  It’s simple, really – easy as pie – only easier, because pie has many steps, whereas tuna salad only has three.  One – cook the pasta and drain.  Two – mix the pasta with the canned tuna chunks and any vegetables you wish to include, such as cooked green beans, three bean mix or chopped red and green peppers.  Thirdly, toss the salad with a dressing of your choice – for a warm salad use a thin white sauce with a squeeze of lemon juice, and for a cold salad mix a mayonnaise and yogurt or sour cream dressing and pour over the dish.  Mix well and serve for a fast, fun and ever tasty tuna pasta salad meal.  Bon appetit!

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