Using international calling cards, it will be possible to place the cheapest calls from your country to another. However, if you wish to pay even less, do keep in mind that cheapest probably also means terrible sound quality, plenty of disconnections, and overall inefficiency in service, with lack of support. While plenty of cheap cards for calling exist, prior to purchasing them, it is essential to go through the fine print, as well as terms and conditions. Plans for cheap international calls are likewise offered with a great number of advantages. Do remember that some companies offer much better benefits than others, and their rates are comparatively more affordable. Still, rates for calling tend to vary, depending on the country to be called, and it would be best to find the best possible rates for the particular country or countries that you wish to call.
One service to consider for cheap calls to Nigeria and other nations is Tel3. This is among the first long distance service providers that offer one of the most affordable rates for calling overseas. The company prides itself in offering among the lowest rates for placing international calls, and free minutes are given to new customers. Their international plan is available with free minutes for placing calls within the same country, and the monthly payment for this is less than $2. Registering is easy and may be done through their website. A form will just need to be filled out, and then you will receive your PIN number via email. You will be recharged $25 on a monthly basis, in the event that your balance drops under $3.
There is also iDPhoneCard, which is available in 50 different countries, at rates that are very low, especially as compared to run of the mill overseas calling per-minute charges. The company does not forget to highlight that there are no hidden costs for availing of their services. Their services are likewise entirely refundable, as well as non-rechargeable. For about 10 US dollars, you will be able to get around 208 minutes for long distance calls. Also check out ZapTel, Flying Colors, True North, Wireless World, etc.