If you need quick credit repair then you should see a credit repair specialist. They will help you to have better credit. You will be able to get loans if your financial situation improves. You will be able to get charge cards from different stores because your debt situation will not be so bad anymore.
You may have gotten into debt problems because you were spending more money than you earned. This is a common occurrence. Many people these days spend more than they earn. They see something that they like but can not afford to purchase it. So they pay for it on a charge card because they do not have the money in their wallet right then and there. Then by the end of the next month the bill comes due and they still can not afford to pay off their charge card. So they let the interest on their debt build up on their charge card. Before they know it the bill has gotten much bigger each month. Sometimes their bills get so high that they can not afford to pay their minimum monthly payments so they stop paying their charge card bills. This is when they get into credit problems. This is how they end up having bill collectors calling them because they are not paying their bills. If this goes on for a long period of time then their overall credit will be damaged. Eventually they will need credit repair because they did not pay their debts on time.
If they see a credit repair specialist that person or company will help them to start rebuilding their good name with their financial institutions. It might take a very long time and lots of hard work but if they keep at it they will eventually make things better.